What’s The Deal With The Pirates At Boothbay Harbor Windjammer Days?
We had such a great time broadcasting live from Ocean Park in Boothbay Harbor today, to let everyone know about Windjammer Days, happening now through Saturday! There are so many great things going on there as part of the event. One of them is the pirates!
There be pirates about in Boothbay Harbor. They come by boat aboard the Must Roos, and they wash ashore with cannons, blades, and birds. Yer in fer a treat as they share cannon lessons with willing lads and lasses alike, and even invite you to come aboard the Roos. It all happens in the center of town in Whale Park by the Public Landing. So gather yer mates and wander on downtown to Whale Park!
Nikki and I had a chance to chat with a couple of them this morning...watch in the video below!
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