Wanna Hear a Sweet Song This Lee NH Dad Sang To His Adopted Down Syndrome Baby?
The world is a better place with the Killough family in it. Lucky for us, the family just got BIGGER!
Bryan Killough and his family made the decision recently to adopt a baby with Down Syndrome after having one of their own, Augie. Bryan and his wife already had four children before Augie came along and now, they have Henry. I'll do the math for you - that's a total of 6 children.
Music is Magic
I had to share this video that Bryan shared on his Facebook page and YouTube because it is just one of the sweetest things I've ever seen. Bryan is singing to his newly adopted newborn baby Henry. Just look at how Henry is already responding to the sound of the guitar. Music is magic, I tell ya. I have watched this several times and from what I see, Baby Henry hit the Dad Jackpot.
Bryan wrote a song for his new baby. Although it's not finished yet, I think it sounds perfect. Check this out:
You may know Bryan from being in Groovechild, the legendary Seacoast band who lost their beloved Jeff Bibbo in February of 2018.
You may know him as "Mr. K," the General Music Teacher at MSAD 35, Eliot Elementary School.
You might know him from The Midnight Wrens. They just opened up for Old Crow Medicine Show at the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom.
You may know Bryan for one or all of those things, but he is most well known for all the love he and his family put out into the world.
Welcome, Henry. Can't wait to meet you.
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