Portland Named Best City For Small Business In The Country
We hear so often how Portland is "best" at many different things. The latest ranking is great news for local business. According to MaineBiz, Portland was named the best small city for small business in the country. Out of nearly 300 cities in the study done by Verizon, we were number one! The study considered several factors, including education level of residents, commute time, income, broadband availability, and loans per capita. Portland was the lone city in the Northeast to make it into the top ten for this study. Others that fared well included three cities in Florida, and some in the midwest. I think this is great news. I've lived here for three and a half years, and aside from the harsh winters, there's not much about living here that I don't love. And stories like this will only help Portland grow even more. Click here to read the story by MaineBiz, and click here to read the study.
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