Maine Flag Company Making Flags To Support Portland Restaurants And Healthcare Workers
Bethany Field and Chris Korzen are the owners of the Maine Flag Company, the only producer of handmade nautical flags in the state, according to their website. Pre-coronavirus, the company was focused on making original Maine flags (1901-1909) and other custom flags. Now, the website says they are “focused on the production of ‘Heart Of It All flags’.” The website describes the single red heart on a white flag as a symbol of the "community’s love for their many small businesses."
In a Facebook post (below), the Maine Flag Company said 100% of the profits of this flag will support Portland restaurants, in order to feed healthcare workers who are on the front line of the pandemic.
The flags are reportedly so popular that the company is currently out of stock. However, if you would like to know when they are become available, you can send the company an email at info@maineflagcompany.com.
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