John Tesh Autographed This Keyboard, And It Could Be Yours!
When John Tesh visited us here in Portland last year, he left behind something very special...and it could be yours! When John was here, he performed for an intimate audience of HOM listeners. He bought a special keyboard, specifically for the event - a Korg SP-80. If you're familiar with keyboards, you know this is a nice one. So, as he was packing up to leave, he told us that he would sign the keyboard, and leave it for us to do something nice with. And that's exactly what is happening later this month. The American Cancer Society's Couleur A Masquerade Ball is happening on Saturday, April 27th. It's set to be a fun night...with color, music, dancing, and a silent auction. One of the items up for bid that night will be the keyboard that John left us! One lucky bidder will walk away with the keyboard, and a good amount of money will be raised for the American Cancer Society. So it's a win-win for everyone! For more details on the event, which will be hosted by AJ & Nikki from the HOM Morning Show, click here.