Halloween is over, so we should be done talking about zombies until next October, right?  Wrong!   There is one little known type of zombie that we need to be talking about - Zombie trees!


What Are Zombie Trees?

According to the Bangor Daily News and WGME, zombie trees are a lot like zombies from the movies and from The Walking Dead, they look like they are alive when they are really dead.

Even though these trees look like they are alive and well, they could be dying (or dead) on the inside.


Why Are Zombie Trees So Dangerous?

Most of the time, when we see a dead tree, we are cautious around it.  No one wants to be injured, or killed, by a falling tree.  Because zombie trees appear alive, people are a lot less cautious around them than they would be if they knew the tree was dying or dead.  Of course, property owners who would normally remove a dead tree before it fell on a house or other structure, would be less likely to do that with a zombie tree.


What Causes Zombie Trees?

No, they are not caused by the bite of another zombie tree!

They are often caused by stress.  For example, the recent drought that Maine (and other parts of New England) has been dealing with has put a lot of stress on our forests.  The tree can suffer stress from the drought and the stress can also make the tree more vulnerable to parasites.


What Do You Do If You Suspect You Have A Zombie Tree?

One of the best things the average homeowner can do is call an arborist.  These tree experts can quickly determine if the tree is in good shape or if there is a serious problem with the tree.

The Village of Owl's Head

The long lost village of Owl's Head, Maine is located a short distance from the Western Maine town of Buckfield. Check out these photos and watch the video of a 2020 exploration of the village HERE

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