Help ‘Stuff the Bus’ With Back-to-School Supplies to Help Teachers and Students
Students and teachers need our help.
It takes a village to supply a village of students and teachers. Join 949 HOM and Q97.9 at Staples in South Portland on Western Avenue to 'Stuff the Bus'!
Teachers have one of the toughest jobs on this planet. How do we know that? When we all became teachers during COVID-19. That was not an easy time for anyone. Kids are back in the classrooms, and teachers face the same dilemma as before: never enough school supplies.
Ruth's Reusable Resouces is a fantastic organization in Portland that has been around for 26 years filling that need.
Each day, throughout the school year, children in Maine attend school without needed pencils, paper, and other basic supplies. At the same time, businesses in Maine dispose of these same basic items. 3R’s bridges the gap between business and education by transferring those unwanted supplies to children and their teachers. It is working! Since 1994, 3R’s has given away more than $84 million worth of surplus furniture, paper, books, office supplies and computers to schools and non-profits. In the end, it’s good for kids, education, the environment, and businesses.
They are the perfect organization to help! Teachers don't pay anything for school supplies from Ruth's. So starting Friday, August 18th through Sunday, August 20th, 949 HOM and Q97.9 will be collecting back-to-school supplies to give to Ruth's so they in turn can continue to supply teachers in the area. We are going to Stuff the Bus!
Here are items that Ruth's Reusable Resources say they never seem to have enough of:
- 1" 3-ring binders
- 1-subject spiral bound notebooks
- Composition books
- Dry Erase markers (esp. colors other than black)
- Kids markers (10 or 12-count packs, broad or thin line)
- Pencil Cap Erasers
- Crayons (24-count box)
- Highlighters (esp. colors other than yellow)
- Pencil Sharpeners
- Pocket folders
How can you help?
Bring us some school supplies! We will be broadcasting live throughout the day Friday, August 18, 6 am-7 pm, Saturday, August 20th, 9 am - 7 pm, and Sunday, August, 21 10 am - 6 pm. Come meet Lori and Jeff from 949 HOM and Jadd and Krissy from Q97.9! It's one big radio family helping our big Maine family!
Huge thank you to our partners who gladly helped:
- Staples: Visit their South Portland Store for Back-to-School Specials
- Bill Dodge Auto Group, discover the Bill Dodge Difference at billdodgeautogroup.com
- Channel 8 WMTW
- Falmouth Schools for providing a bus. It just wouldn't be the same as 'Stuff a Uhaul Rental'. Go Navigators! Thank you.
We can't wait to see everyone! We love being part of the community and helping each other out.
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