Well, no way to say this nicely, but, back to school time is upon us. Or, maybe as parents, you are excited and ready for them to go back! Either way, you send your children to school year after year. In the hopes that they learn something, and make you proud...
Today was the first day of school for a lot of your kids and even grand kids. So what did the first day look like for you? Share your first day photo with us, I would love to see what your child wore on the first day. Here's what I wore the first day of Kindergarden. What was my Mother thinking?
It's that time of year again, big yellow buses are on the roads and your ride to work gets a bit slower. Who couldn't need a brush up on the rules of the road?
Was just in Target and all the patio furniture was replaced with "back to school" notebooks, pens, paper and back packs. Is it that time already? August is here and so is the rush to get all the supplies you need for the fresh new year. Before the kids catch that first bus, here are some things that will help you shop and make a clean easier transition to the new school year.