What’s “in” for Back to School 2014 and Tips for an Easy Transition
Was just in Target and all the patio furniture was replaced with "back to school" notebooks, pens, paper and back packs. Is it that time already? August is here and so is the rush to get all the supplies you need for the fresh new year. Before the kids catch that first bus, here are some things that will help you shop and make a clean easier transition to the new school year.
My mother, Connie is known to parents as "The Child Whisperer." She's been in education for over 35 years with a specialty in early childhood education and even owning her own Preschool. She recently retired with over 35 yrs experience and a Masters in Education and psychology. To say I was completely screwed growing up is an understatement. I asked her a few question that might make the transition process a bit easier for your kid.
1. BEDTIME TRANSITION- During Summer, kids are used to running around at night, sleepovers and going to bed a lot later. Connie says to start transitioning your child's sleep schedule at least a week before school starts. Make their bed time ten minutes earlier each day before the first day of school. Each morning wake them up ten minutes earlier as well. This will help them easily shift into a new schedule.
2. A NEW SCHEDULE- Starting something new can be riddled with anxiety. I remember a kid on our street throwing up at the bus stop every year. Connie says to stay as calm as you can because kids can pick up on your fears and take them on. A good transition is to take the kids to their school before it starts. Ask to take a tour if it's a new place or do a "back to school" drill complete with getting up at the right time, dressing, book bags and even jumping in the car and driving the route. The point is to familiarize your child with what is to come. After the drill take the kids to breakfast and make a morning of it. It will help them to see this as an exciting adventure rather than an anxiety ridden chaotic mess.
3. LABOR DAY FUN- Perhaps school has already started by the time Labor Day gets here. Either way, mom says that making Labor Day about the kids reminds them that the fun isn't over when school starts and it isn't school that ruined their good times. It's all about putting school in a positive light.
Now let's talk about "Back to School" 2014 fashion and where the deals are at when you start shopping.
WHAT'S "IN?" For boys, wind pants and anything casual. for girls, plaids, darker colors, skinny jeans and metallic looks. Also big for lunch boxes, Trapper Keepers, Book Bags and shirts are anything from Frozen, Monster High and Angry birds.
Good luck with that first day moms and dads. May you pass down that ever popular tradition of licking your finger and wiping off dried peanut butter from the cheek of your little one at the bus stop just before pictures and forever scaring your child for life.
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