After A Little Spring Tease, Arctic Winds Will Blow In Maine & NH
Thursday and Friday have brought Mainers so much needed joy with temperatures warming well into the 50s.
Lots of folks have been cautioning the rest of us not to get to excited though. They remind us that here in Maine we traditionally experience a false spring before winter's last gasp.
As much I had to admit it, the false springers are right. The mild weather we've enjoyed as we wrap up the workweek is about to blow outta here. Soak it up as long as you can my friend.
Here's the latest look how things will change dramatically as we head into the weekend, from our friends at the National Weather Service in Gray. It sure was nice while it lasted.
Artic winds howling with gusts near 40mph overnight/tonight is enough of a punch the face after a couple of glorious days...right?
You'd think. But, no. Now that pretty much all the snow has melted in our yards, here come the squalls. Thankfully it doesn't seem that we'll get anything significant.
Also on the wicked bright side, we set the clocks ahead an hour this weekend. Daylight till 7...Yessuh!
So maybe we shouldn't be too quick to put this one away until next winter, huh? It's our Official Maine Cold Weather Song by our buddy Eben.
He's also the fellah who brought us our Official Maine Tourist Season Song, Mr. Man. Hopefully we'll be switching over to that one, sooner than later.