You Might Be Surprised By Some Of The Free Stuff You Can Find On Craigslist!
For example, need a free TV? There are lots!
Every once in a while, I'll check the "free" section of Craigslist to see if there's anything that might be of use to me. It's pretty amazing how many things there are there you would think people would be able to get money for! It appears that in most cases, people just want to get these things out of their sight ASAP. Many of the things so big, they may not have the means to dispose of them, so they're willing to give them away just to get rid of them. For example...
TVs. Lots and lots of TVs.
Although most of them look pretty old, it seems that a lot of them are still in working condition. Many of these folks are probably trying to avoid paying a disposal fee for them, which can be pretty pricey. So if you're looking for a TV for a spare bedroom, this may be your best bet.
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