Twisted Tea Truck Catches Fire On New Hampshire Highway
It was a scary scene in New Hampshire last week, when a Twisted Tea truck caught fire on a busy highway. In a video posted to Facebook by Channel 8 WMTW, the tractor trailer is shown fully engulfed in flames on I-93 south in Manchester. While the fire burned the cab very badly, it appears that the precious cargo it was transporting was unharmed. According to CBS Boston, the driver of the truck was able to escape before the fire started, and was unharmed. As expected, some of the comments on the post we're pretty funny. Here are a few of the best:
Angela Cheetham On a positive note, it looks like the alcohol will come out unscathed
Justin Quinn My teas better be cold when I get out if work! 😄
Kathy Kaklegian Toasted Teas More Like It!!
Cory Goodell Pheeew, glad its not a Sam Adams truck.