Remember When the Milf Mobile in Maine Got National Recognition on the Chive?
This vehicle has been turning heads all over the 207 for years! Of course I am referring to the minivan, affectionately known as the "MILF Mobile". Along with its naughty license plate, it also boasts a plethora of racy bumper stickers. They say things like: "Condoms Prevent Minivans" and "Kids in this B*tch, honk if one falls out".
The website The Chive decided to share the photo below on their Instagram, which has 1.7 million followers. It was so nice that other parts of the country could enjoy the Milf Mobile and all of her glory:
Thousands and thousands of comments rolled in, and here are some of my favorites:
Yes we are, thank you for noticing.
First of all, how dare you.
I agree!
A lot of people suspected that the owner of this vehicle is not really a mama, but in fact someone who is in search of a Milf in their life (WRONG SOUND EFFECT)! We had the honor and privilege of interviewing the owner of the Milf Mobile on our morning show. Her name is Brittney Glidden, and she lives in Sanford, Maine.
Meet the Milf behind the mobile:
Since every party has a pooper, the state of Maine was trying to get the Milf Mobile off the road. Brittney felt that her first amendment rights, aka freedom of speech, were being violated!
Naturally, a GoFundMe was started to help preserve the Milf Mobile
Is the Milf Mobile still out on these mean streets, or was it taken down by "the man" (aka the state of Maine)? Inquiring minds need to know!