More Of Nikki’s Southern Expressions That Might Offend You
I am a highly educated woman, and I'm also a southerner. My father was born and raised in Bristol, Virginia. I never thought the Southern jargon that I have used my entire life would offend anyone, but I was wrong.
I recently coined the terms "cutie-patootie" and "easy on the eyes" to describe a news anchor, and it did not sit well with some people on Facebook, who said these words were sexist and inappropriate.
Here is the post:
"Cutie-patootie" means cuter than cute, in case you did not know. "Easy on the eyes" is easy to interpret. It means the person is attractive and not difficult to look at. However, I don't think this phrase originated in the south.
I thought I would share some other common Southern idioms that I grew up with, along with their definitions.
"Hot under the collar": Angry.
"Stop being ugly.": Stop being mean.
"In your neck of the woods.": In your neighborhood.
"Give me some sugar." or "Give me a peck on the cheek.": Give me a kiss.
"Stop showing your ass.": Stop acting up or acting ridiculous.
"Don't get your panties twisted.": Don't get upset about non-issues.
"Barking up the wrong tree.": You are directing your criticism, frustration or anger towards the wrong person.
“She is madder than a wet hen.”: It means she is very angry and you should stay away until she calms down. (I've never heard this expression directed towards a man.)
"He/She doesn't have a pot to piss in.": This person is poor.
"It's colder than a witch's tit.": It's freezing.
"Where's the john?" or "Where's the commode?": These two words refer to the bathroom toilet.
"It's a frog strangler.": It is raining very hard.
"I'll holler at you later.": I will get in touch with you later.
"I reckon.": I guess.
"More than you can shake a stick at.": More than you can count.
Well, these are a handful of the many southern sayings I've heard for most of my life. Feel free to add more below in the comment section or holler at me on our Facebook page.