A woman yelling for help got strangers to help save her life in Massachusetts.

CBS Boston reported that this group of strangers who worked together to save a woman trapped under her car happened in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

How did a woman get trapped underneath her car in Lawrence, Massachusetts?

woman under car
CBS Boston YouTube

The unidentified woman was delivering flowers and forgot to take the car out of drive according to the fire department. So when she got out of the car, the car rolled on her leg and pinned her underneath!

READ MORE: Remarkable Human Chain Rescues Man in York, Maine

It was her cries for help that got the stranger's attention to come running to help.

These strangers helped this trapped woman because 'who wouldn't?'

There were about a dozen people who came to help this poor woman. Elvis Burgos and his dad helped. They told WBZ-TV,

It was one of those things I never thought I would see. She was saying in Spanish, 'Oh God, oh God, please help, oh God. Who wouldn't do that you know? First instinct, it's the first thing you think about. It was like the rush of the moment where she was screaming for help and she's grabbing on my leg and I'm just trying to lift up the car.

Lawrence, Massachusetts has a bad rep and this heroic act proves it's not all bad

woman under car
CBS Boston YouTube

They were able to get the car off this woman and get her to the hospital where the fire department says she will be okay. A witness Jenny Minaya told WBZ,

We're all a family here. A lot of people talk bad about Lawrence but in reality, we're all a family here.


When strangers are faced with doing the unbelievable, they do the unbelievable. It was about 15 people 'doing the right thing'.


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