You’re Not Imagining It: Prices Have Increased at New Hampshire Walmarts
In recent years, Walmart has become a huge part of my life. It's my one-stop shop for grocery shopping (yes, I'm blessed enough to live near a supercenter), workout clothes, and makeup. Now that I have a brand-new baby to dress, Gwen's wardrobe is practically made up entirely of clothes from Wally World.
And GET THIS: I even get my nails done at Walmart. That's right, the one I go to on Lafayette Road in Portsmouth has a nail salon inside!
According to Walmart's store directory, there are 26 Walmarts in the state of New Hampshire.
One big reason why Walmart is such a popular establishment is the incredible deals. We all want to feel like we are getting away with something! They have done away with their smiley face mascot who hops around the store rolling back prices, but his spirit still remains....kind of.
Inflation has caused the price of literally everything to skyrocket. A quick trip to the grocery store adds up quick.
A TikToker recently posted a video showing exactly how much Walmart prices have increased over the last two years.
The clip shows him looking through his Walmart order history on their app, and it shows a delivery order from two years ago, consisting of 53 items for $126.67. He describes that order as, "A whole month of groceries. Just for me, basically,"
While looking at the order, he saw a “reorder all” button, and wanted to see how much those exact same items would cost today. So he clicked it, and what he saw was all kinds of depressing.
We knew the total would be more, but I don't think anyone was prepared for how much more. Brace yourself. Those same 53 items that were $126.67 in 2022 would now cost a total of $414.39. THAT IS FOUR TIMES MORE. YIKES.
No shade to Walmart, but this is a widespread issue that we are seeing across all major retailers.
The cost of living is at an all-time high, and even households with two solid incomes are spreading themselves thin! What is the solution? Is the price of living going to continue to increase as the years go on?
If anyone reading this feels equipped to predict the future of our nation's economy, I'd love to pick your brain. Unless your prediction is scary and bad. Then maybe we're all better off being left in the dark.
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Gallery Credit: Megan