Have You Seen Deer Running on the Beach in New Hampshire?
While the humans are away, the animals will play! Over the course of this pandemic, we have seen animals come out of the woodwork and hang out in the places where people would normally be. It's like real-life Jumanji! A moose in downtown Woodstock? It happened! A mama fox and her baby kits hanging out on someone's deck in Portsmouth? Yup! That happened too. It is a much needed reminder that even in the hard times there is so much beauty in this world.
Maureen O'Donnell Niekrasz shared the video below on her Facebook page and it has since gone viral. She captured a herd of deer going for a jaunt on the beach in Manasquan, New Jersey. She captured it "Something you don’t see everyday". No, you certainly do not.
According NJ.com, this isn't Manasquan's first unusual deer sighting during the pandemic. On April 21st, the town's police department did a playful post about these three characters hanging out in the middle of neighborhood street.
When I first saw the deer on the beach video I thought to myself, "I bet this is happening in New Hampshire too!" Has anyone spotted deer hanging out on the beach in the Granite State? Let us know in the comments!
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