Durham Reverses Its Decision, Will Hang Christmas Wreaths After All
Yesterday, we brought you the story coming out of Durham, NH - NH Town’s Holiday Celebration Changed To Be More Inclusive. We got a lot of feedback from listeners regarding the town's decision on our Facebook page:
Really ridiculous! What an embarrassment for not just Durham, but the state as a whole! It's Christmas, not just another "winter holiday."
No shopping for Christmas in Durham NH...
I say enough is enough!!!! Where does this all end?? When the world just stands still... in fear of...,no one talks in fear of..... no one look at each other ...in fear of...
Give me a break!! This world has gone to the dogs!!
No I'm not offending dogs!!!
Well maybe the town had been looking at our Facebook page...because we saw this morning that according to Channel 8 WMTW, the town has reversed its decision, at least about the Christmas wreaths.