One of the cool things about New England is how many notable things there are about the area.  As one of the first places where European settlers built settlements, the cluster of states is filled with history.  Towns that date back to the 1600s, the sites of Revolutionary War battles, and historic buildings.

Apparently, New England is also home to the country's long road.  Did you know that?

If you quickly said "yes" there is a good chance you are thinking of the wrong road.

You were thinking of Route 1, which runs from the tip-top of Maine to Key West, Florida, weren't you?  I'll be honest, that's what I thought was the longest road in the country, too  It is super long, and well known, after all.  That's not the answer, though.

According to Wikipedia, US Route 20 is the longest road in the United States.  The 3,365 mile long road runs from Boston to Newport, Oregon.

The road starts at Kenmore Square in Boston and runs East-West through the city.  It also runs through Buffalo, New York, Erie, Pennsylvania, Toledo, Ohio, South Bend, Indiana, through Chicago, and dozens of other United States towns and cities.

It even passes by Yellowstone National Park.

The road started out in the early 1920s as New England Interstate Route 5 (NE-5).  It ran through Massachusetts and New York.  And, up until 1940, the western end of the road was the entrance to Yellowstone National Park.  Over time, as the U.S. Highway System developed, more sections were added to the route.

As a guy who loves road trips, Route 20 sounds like an amazing way to see all of Middle America and a bunch of the East Coast and West Coast, too.

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20 States With The Worst Roads In The Country

U.S News and World Report has ranked all the states according to the quality of their roads. These are the worst 20.

Gallery Credit: jrwitl

16 Maine Pizza Pies You Gotta Try

In search of great pizza in Maine? Here are some of the best!

Gallery Credit: Arlen Jameson


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