A Happy “Teen Mom” Story
This "Teen Mom" story made me happy!
We met Catelynn and Tyler back in 2009 on MTV's "Teen Mom" when they were 16. Their story was both riveting and heart breaking. Wise beyond their years, they took the difficult road of adoption. I remember crying on my couch watching them hand their baby, Carly over to her new parents.
I was proud of how they handled things and their obvious love for one another. Catelynn began speaking to other young adults about adoption and their reasons which were based solely on love and wanting their baby to have the best life possible. A life they knew they couldn't give her at 16. It also gave them both a future.
Tyler and Catelynn are now 22, engaged and just announced that they are expecting a new baby. After months of therapy, retreats and sticking together they say they are now ready for a baby and have helped numerous young adults make the right decisions for themselves and their babies.
Here's a clip of Catelynn and Tyler's first meeting with Carly since giving her the gift of adoption. It really is beautiful.
If you have questions about adoption call Lifetime Adoption Center...24 hrs 1-800-923-6784...