You Can’t Convince Me That This Maine Home is Not Haunted AF
Now that I think about it, maybe this is just a thing that happens in my house every single August?
Because it was about a year ago at this time when I first mentioned the house that I had just bought back then seemed haunted, based on how weird my dog was acting (as well as some random movement from what looked like orbs in a video of my backyard camera.)
But fast forward to current times, literally within the last week, multiple things have happened that have me convinced, hands down, my house in Brunswick is haunted AF.
First off, within the last week, multiple times my smoke detector has gone off in the middle of the night. And not the occasional chirping type of going off that indicates that the battery needs to be changed -- it's been sounding the way it would if there were smoke in the house.
Except for the fact that, rattled and barely awake when it first happened about a week ago at 1am, I searched my entire house opening doors, feeling walls, vaulting myself into the attic -- doing anything and everything possible to feel the heat from a fire or see/smell smoke, but there was none to be found.
After my full, 45-minute investigation for a fire and smoke that didn't exist, I had the thought that maybe the alarm sounded due to a Carbon Monoxide leak; however, after searching for Carbon Monoxide symptoms and realizing I was free and clear, plus seeing other people post of their same-branded smoke detector doing the same thing, I calmed a bit.
It went off again a couple of days later, again in the middle of the night -- literally, anytime anything has sounded from this thing, it's always been in the dead middle of the night -- and again, there was no issue happening to cause the alarm to trigger.
Fast forward to the middle of the night last night, where I was woken up by a sound I at first thought was the television in my room still being on and too loud, causing a weird, almost-vibrating sound. But when I muted the TV, I realized that wasn't it -- it was coming from down the hall.
The "duhhhhhhhhhh, duhhh-duhhh" sound I was continuously hearing was my electric toothbrush.
Yes, literally out of nowhere once again in the middle of the night (ironically, again at 1am), my electric toothbrush, simply resting on the charger, was making a repeating vibrating pattern.
Again, much like the 1am smoke detector wake-up, I groggily took the toothbrush off the charger, which stopped the "duhhhhhhhhhhhh, duhhh-duhhh" vibrating sound I was hearing, and went back to bed.
Or, so I thought, because just as I was drifting off, the toothbrush not even on the charger turned on and ran like it would as if I had turned it on myself and was in the process of using it. But this time, it literally wouldn't turn off no matter how many times I hit the power button.
This repeated a few times -- naturally, each time as I was drifting off, until it finally randomly stopped after about 90 minutes.
Ironically, my dog, Remy, caught my eye just before I started drifting off and the toothbrush would turn on again. Because moments before that would happen, I would notice him looking around the room -- not with short, longing glances, but quick, darting ones -- as if he was watching something quickly move around the room.
So go ahead and tell me that my house isn't haunted. I dare you.
On the plus side, at least it seems like it's just a prankster ghost in there and not some demon or anything. Not to mention, Halloween should be LIT this year if this keeps up.
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