One of the things I watch the most on TV when I don't have much time is the YouTube channel Dashcam Nation and the video series they call Idiots in Cars. In case you're wondering, yes. I watch YouTube on my 50" HD TV.

The channel collects videos from people's dashboard cameras that they have installed. With the amount of insurance fraud and disputes over who is at fault in an accident, these provide police and auto insurance companies solid proof of exactly what happened.

One of their recent videos shows a bit of road rage on I-95 near the Maine-New Hampshire border, all captured from a dash camera.

The person driving with the dash cam captures video of a classic "left lane camper" on Interstate 95. You've probably encountered them yourself. The driver who is driving in the left-most lane but is going the slowest of all lanes of traffic. The left lane is used for passing when you aren't going with the speed of traffic.

Take a look at the slow driver brake-check the one following. Which one is in the wrong?

Both Maine and New Hampshire have laws about impeding the flow of traffic while in the left lane. That lane in both states is only for use as a passing lane.

So who do you think was in the wrong? I say it's both of them.

You'll notice in the video that the dashcam driver appears to attempt to pass the camper on the left shoulder before the pickup truck break-checks him, forcing him to pass him on the left. The pickup truck driver was certainly in the wrong lane for his speed but was also wrong for doing a brake-check.

The cam driver was following too closely and attempted twice to pass on the left until he was forced to by the pickup truck driver. His better course of action would be to move over to the center lane and go with the flow of traffic there until he passes the truck.

What do you think? I think they both failed their driver's test and need to go back to school.

LOOK: Here are the states where you are most likely to hit an animal

Hitting an animal while driving is a frightening experience, and this list ranks all 50 states in order of the likelihood of such incidents happening, in addition to providing tips on how to avoid them.

Quiz: Do you know your state insect?

Stacker has used a variety of sources to compile a list of the official state insect(s) of each U.S. state, as well as their unique characteristics. Read on to see if you can guess which insect(s) represent your state. 


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