This Snack is So Nostalgic for the People of New Hampshire
Huh! Just when I thought I heard it all! I follow the Facebook group "You grew up/lived in southern N.H./ME. seacoast if you remember", and someone posted this very important question:
Apparently, people DO remember this, because the post got 392 comments! Upon further investigation, it seems like this snack was often enjoyed as a side with soup. People say they dipped the "butter crackers" in chicken soup broth or even a seafood or chowder. This is a nostalgic snack for many especially when they are feeling sick.
Many people said their parents used to eat crushed up saltines in milk and eat it with a spoon like cereal (a Depression-era snack). Maybe the saltines with butter is a variation of that!
Here's what the people are saying about this beloved snack:
Cathy Hartman Heal: "Good if you bake them with butter on them. My MIL did that"
Holly Smith Thibeault: "My sister and I just had them the other day!"
Patricia Alday: "Yes, still do with chili or soup! Not real butter as a kid, oleo."
SallyAnn Ferullo: "Yes, crushed in chicken noodle or tomato soup."
I remember putting peanut butter/jelly on my crackers from time to time, but never just straight-up butter! Perhaps this is strictly a southern New Hampshire/Maine delicacy, since the trend didn't make its way down to Massachusetts (at least in the '90s).
If I grew up with this snack, I might feel differently about it. As an outsider, I don't love butter enough to slather it on a cracker. I can only imagine the cracker doesn't absorb the butter as well as a slice of bread does. Therefore, the butter would just kind of sit in its thick form atop the cracker. That doesn't appeal to me. I am a peanut butter, jelly, or even cream cheese kind of gal.
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