Scientific Solutions That Will Make You A Gift Giving Pro This Christmas [WATCH]
Christmas time is when we are surrounded by those we love, and sharing those special moments once a year. You share smiles, laughs, hugs, a meal, and exchange gifts. But for some, not only can this time of year be stressful; it can be fearful too. Do you have a legit fear when buying gifts for the ones you love? You are afraid that you might spend too much money, they don't like your gift, or they judge you based on the gift you bought them? Then that behavior needs to stop! Giving gifts should be fun, and exciting. Did you know that the act of gift giving has a lot to do with psychology? Here, we are going to break down specific dilemmas when gift giving, and find the helpful solution with science!
5. Should the Gift say something about me?
There are 2 different ways to buy a gift for someone; 'Recipient focused' or 'Giver focused'. 'Recipient focused' is you look for a gift that reflects the personality of the person you are buying it for. 'Giver focused' is buying a gift for someone that reflects who you are. So first before shopping, decide which strategy you would like to use. Would you rather by your mother the bracelet she has been eyeing at Macy's? Or, would you rather get her a beautiful blouse from TJ Maxx that will bring out the color in her eyes?
Studies have shown that some people thought they preferred recipient-focused gifts. But, it was actually giver-focused gifts that brought people closer.
4. What amount of money to spend on a gift?
Studies have found that when people were shopping for a gift they should get for another person; they believed that the other person would like a more expensive gift more than the inexpensive ones. In short, you should never let money guide or interrupt your gift buying. The most important thing to remember is, whatever you spend; it's the appreciation the recipient has after they open the gift that matters most. And, most people love what you bought them either way, cause it is from you!
3. Should I just ask them what they want?
Studies have shown people like a gift more when it’s something they asked for than when it’s something they didn’t ask for. This makes gift giving so much easier. Stop the guessing, and don't think that people will like requested and not requested gifts equally. Don't be afraid of think it's a cop-out, ask the person what they actually want for a gift. Then you know for sure, you are buying them the perfect gift!
2. What if I pick a bad gift?
Most of us assume that because it's a gift from us, the recipient will automatically love it. Because it's a gift that sometimes says a little something about the connection you have with the recipient. Just like the old saying 'it's the thought that counts', ouch. Studies though have found that the person who received the awesome gift ends up seeing themselves as more similar to the gift-giver. Before buying that gift, be sure to understand the signal it might give to that recipient.
1. Is it alright to Re-Gift?
This scenario is always up for debate, and is a touchy subject for some. When we say we are going to re-gift something, you kinda immediately feel guilty. You feel like you didn't put an effort in, or that the recipient will know it's a re-gift. Those feelings are all in your head. The recipient has no idea it is a re-gift gift from you. Make sure you remember who the gift came from in the first place, very important! If it a gift that is in good shape, and you find it will make a better home with a loved one; go for it!!