The Story of These Two Toddlers at a New Hampshire Airport Will Warm Your Heart
This is just one of those stories that will equal parts make you miss your childhood, give you hope for the future, and wish/hope the world would learn a lesson from this entire experience.
Over the long Fourth of July Weekend, two families were both at Manchester-Boston Regional Airport going about their merry ways on their respective family trips, when their worlds intersected, quite possibly for the long-term. Donna Rivet Morgan recounted the tail in the u Local New Hampshire group on Facebook.
"At Manchester-Boston Regional Airport.(July 4th) A three-and-a-half year old and a two-and-a-half-year-old became fast friends while waiting for their flights. For a few hours nothing else mattered but innocent fun, laughter, and hand-holding. They coincidentally boarded the same plane and I'm told they sat together (as they were inseparable) until they would go their separate ways on their connecting flights. It was a sad parting but great memories to be had. They definitely melted some hearts! (Hudson, my grandson (L) and his new best buddy Cooper (R)."
In one week's time, the post has been "liked" 5,000 times, commented on over 370 times, and shared almost 200 times. Most of the comments say exactly what we're all thinking when we hear about this story and see the picture of Hudson and Cooper walking hand-in-hand -- hopefully they stay life-long friends and the world could learn a thing or two from them.
How pure is this story? Two kids that don't care what the other looks like, what the other sounds like, what the other has interests in, what the other believes in -- just two kids living in the moment and developing a friendship based on the fact that they're two humans that respect the other for how they treat each other, and none of the other outside factors of the world.
Donna went on to say privately that although she's seen many kids play on playgrounds before, she's never seen anything like the connection between two total strangers that Hudson and Cooper had, and she truly believes that they'll be lifelong friends. Her son, Kyle, and Cooper's family, exchanged information and Donna hopes the next time her son brings the family from Ohio to visit, they'll be able to reunite the boys.
She also had this to say in the comments section of her post after reading all of the feedback her post garnered.
"Thanks for such beautiful comments (I read every one of them) The warm feedback along with the sweet insightful comments about learning from this image brought tears to my eyes. If the powerful image of two little boys, who've never met, can create a dialogue and give great thought to the concept of being kind to one another...then I'm glad that I shared this. We teach the children and sometimes the children teach us."
And then there's the layer of this story that hits on another level, when you take in the other family members around Hudson and Cooper into account. Megan Quinn, Cooper's mother, mentioned privately that both Hudson and Cooper's fathers were injured while involved with the military (Marines and Army), and also pointed out that she herself is a cardiac ICU nursing assistant, and Donna is a cardiac nurse. The whole situation left Megan with one thought:
"The entire interaction was a God-aligned encounter."
No matter what you believe in or who, you can believe in one thing, and it's the fact that if these two strangers WHO ARE TODDLERS can be as purely good, friendly, and respectful to each other upon a chance encounter, the rest of the world should follow suit. Thank you for the incredible life lesson, Hudson and Cooper. And thank you to their respective families for clearly raising them right.