Stay-At-Home Order Issued For New Hampshire, Nonessential Businesses Must Close
Governor Chris Sununu just announced an emergency stay-at-home order for all Granite Staters, except for essential workers, according to WMUR. Sununu as order all nonessential businesses to close. These extreme actions were reportedly taken as a necessary measure to help in slowing down the spread of COVID-19, as per WMUR.
The order goes into effect Friday night, March 27th, at 11:59 p.m. WMUR reports nonessential businesses need to shut their doors by the end of the day.
Governor Sununu said via WMUR:
We cannot stress this enough. You should stay at your house unless absolutely necessary. Of course, we will not prevent you from leaving your home to go on a walk or when going to the store, or if you need groceries or are simply going to work. But beyond essential necessities, you should not be leaving your home.
Some individuals and businesses are exempt from the emergency order. Click here to see the list.
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