Patriots Fans Now Have To Stare At This Ugly Eagles Billboard On The Way To Gillette
It has been six months since our painful Superbowl loss to the dirty birds. Preseason has started, you think we would be done talking about it. But apparently, some Eagles fans just can't let it go.
According to CBS Philly, Eagles Fan Gina Lewis had a bet going on with a co worker. If she could get 4,100 likes and 3,300 retweets on a post the co worker would pay for her to put up an Eagles billboard on Patriots territory. The 4,100 and 3,300 figures were a tribute to the 41-33 win over the Patriots.
The billboard is up and running and ugly as ever! And it stands conveniently on Route 1 on your way to Gillette. I am not saying this be a hater, I really don't even understand it. What is that thing in the middle supposed to be?!
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