Nervous About Packages Sitting on Your Doorstep? Maine Police Department Offering a Solution
Porch Pirates and Peeking Partners
Have you ever been waiting for a package, tracking its every move, finding out it's been delivered while you were at work only to get home and discover it's gone? Has your security camera caught someone taking a package off your doorstep? Are you getting something incredibly valuable shipped? Or maybe something you simply don't want your significant other or kids to find it before you do? Well, the Skowhegan Police Department has a solution for you.
Operation Safe Delivery
The Skowhegan Police Department saw a unique Christmastime need and decided to fill it with what they're calling Operation Safe Delivery.
Instead of shipping an item to your home address, instead, ship it to the Skowhegan Police Department.
First, address the package to:
Skowhegan Police Department,
C/O (your name)
225 Water Street
Skowhegan, ME 04976
Then track your package until it's delivered to the station. From that day you have 3 days to come and pick up your package with December 22nd being the final day for pick-ups.
Weekday pickups begin on November 29th and go through December 17th and then on Monday, December 20th through Wednesday, December 22nd. Each weekday 8am until 4pm.
If weekends are the only days that work they can work around that within a 10am to 2pm timeframe and a call to coordinate a specific time.
Once an item is set to be shipped to the Skowhegan Police Department, e-mail dbucknam@skowhegan.org with the expected delivery, your name, and a contact number.
Secure Pick-Up
Since it's a police department you know they take security seriously so they will need to verify your identity for pick-up. Bring your government-issued ID, order number, or proof of receipt/invoice, and the name picking up the package must match the name on the label. So, if you want your significant other to pick it up make sure it ships in their name.
What a great idea to help make sure gifts get where they need to go and out of the hands of Grinches! Any other local police departments offering this service? Let us know via the app!

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