There’s a Legit Reason Why Maine Calls Drunk Driving an OUI Instead of a DUI
Every day in the United States, about 37 people die in drunk-driving crashes which works out to an average of one death every 39 minutes caused by a drunk driver. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, 13,524 people died when someone got behind the wheel of a vehicle while impaired by alcohol. All of these deaths were preventable.
In Maine, 39% of traffic-related deaths involve an alcohol-impaired driver. If you have been drinking, it's best to let someone who is sober drive or take a taxi, Uber, or lift to get yourself home safely as well as other drivers.
Drunk driving is illegal in every single state in America, but not every state calls drunk driving the same thing.
Here in Maine, the term for drunk driving is Operating Under the Influence, or OUI. Maine is one of only seven states to use the term OUI for drunk driving. The others are Connecticut, Massachusetts, Vermont, Kansas Hawaii, and Alaska. Maine and Massachusetts are the only two states that use OUI exclusively while the others use several terms in addition to OUI.
READ MORE: Portland, Maine Police Charge Four People With OUI Within Three Hours
Why Does Maine Use The Term OUI?
The term "operating under the influence" more accurately reflects Maine's law by having "operating" apply to any motor vehicle, including motorcycles, snowmobiles, ATVs, and side-by-sides. If it's got a motor, it counts. Meanwhile, "influence" refers to being under the influence of any substance that impairs your judgment, including alcohol or drugs.
The term OUI just makes it simpler by putting all types of vehicles being operated while impaired by any substance under one blanket.
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