Five Random Questions Jeff Asked His Facebook Friends While on Vacation – And the Answers
I just got back from a nice week-long vacation. How did I spend it? Playing pinball, watching movies, playing video games, a trip to Foxwoods, and just sitting on my duff. Perfection.
But in those moments when things got a little slow, I decided to take to my Facebook page and ask some questions of all my friends and people I don't know but are friends.
There are five questions that I find relevant and important. You may think differently. Let's dive into it.
Question #1 while on vacation: Are these too many pickles?
I was making a chicken sandwich and asked my Facebook friends if there were too many pickles. These are Mt. Olive Sweet Heat bread-and-butter pickles. The responses were overwhelming.
The results: 81% said more pickles with the remaining 19% saying yes or giving an answer that did not address the question. The next time I made these sandwiches, I tripled the pickles.
Question #2 while on vacation: Hot air popper, stove top, or microwave?
I am dead set against microwave popcorn, so I called anyone out who chose it weak, but some still did.
The results: 21% said stove top, 8% hot air popper 4% said microwave, and then a handful of people said "yum" which got lumped into the 67% who were talking about something completely different.
Question #3 while on vacation: Who gets the top cupholder? Driver or passenger?
This is the dilemma of the ages. Ever since cup holders were a thing in cars, there's been a battle over who gets which one. For the record, the contents of the cup holders in this photo are irrelevant to the outcome of the voting.
The results: A whopping 89% said the driver gets the front cupholder or they have the choice and 11% responded with answers irrelevant to the question like Doug Roberts who said "Whichever one does NOT interfere with the pretend shift knob." That's a completely different debate, Doug.
Question #4 while on vacation: Does the toilet paper go over or under?
First off, let me say I did not take these pictures while I was on the toilet. Secondly, I was happy to see that nearly everyone who responded correctly got this right.
The results: 73% said the toilet paper goes over, 4% said under and you know the drill for the remaining 23%
Question #5 while on vacation: Indiana Jones or Han Solo
This is a tough choice even for me, especially since I spent a part of my vacation playing the new and amazing Indiana Jones and the Great Circle video game. The rule here is that you must pick one or the other, not another of Harrison Ford's characters.
The results: 54% said Indiana Jones with the remaining 12% going with Han Solo. 34% were undecided and one thought that Harrison Ford was amazing in Air Force One. "Get off my plane!"
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