Does My Google Arts & Culture Match Look Like Me?
After AJ posted his Google Arts & Culture picture, I decided to see what historical figure I would match with. I downloaded the app and took a selfie, as instructed.
This is the face that had the highest percentage match with mine -- a 63% similarity:
First Lady Grace Goodhue Coolidge was the wife of Calvin Coolidge, who in 1923, was the 30th U.S. president. I honestly did not know who she was, until now... which is the purpose of this app. I got a history lesson and learned something new.
Now, I don't think we look anything alike... maybe around the lips and chin, but that's about it. What do you think? Do I look like First Lady Coolidge.
If you want to find out who your Google Arts & Culture match is, download the app from your phone's App Store or Google Play. Then, let us know who it is in the comment section below or on our Facebook page. Even better, post the picture. We would love to see the resemblance, if there is any.