Do You Remember When Meredith, Jeff, and Lori Were on ABC’s 20/20?
You've got to love Facebook memories. All of a sudden it will show you something you forgot all about and say in your out loud voice, "Hey! I remember that." That's what happened to me today when I got this photo in my Facebook memories taken ten years ago on May 30, 2013.
That's a camera crew shooting video back when Lori Meredith and I, were on Q97.9. We've had a handful of camera crews in our studio over the 20-plus years we've been here, usually from local TV stations. These guys though were national with ABC's 20/20.
Why were they here? We wondered the same thing. Why would a major media company want to come all the way to Maine to shoot a video of us? The answer had to do with something that had happened in the news in the town of Falmouth, and they wanted our opinions on the situation.
You may remember the news headlines in 2013 about a party for high school graduates at a home in Falmouth in which the parents were summoned for furnishing a place for minors to consume alcohol. They were taken to court, but there was a mistrial due to the jury's decision being split down the middle. You can read more about the incident here, on ABC's website, and in the video below.
Meredith, Lori, and I were on camera for a mere 15 seconds, but we made primetime. Looking back at it, it's amazing how much we've changed in 10 years.