You have heard of the 'Crazy Cat Lady', made famous on 'The Simpsons'. This means, the lady has over 5 cats, and holds up in her home with them alone. Well, how about a 'Crazy Dog Man'? I do believe we have found him. There has always been the wicked cool phenomenon of when a dog owner looks JUST like their dog. And, it's super funny, cause it's true! Now, this man, Topher Brophy, found his true doppelganger in life. It's his dog, Rosenberg and they are beyond buds. They are TOTAL partners in crime!

I came across this video on, and it made me smile. Because, not only is a dog involved, he and his owner play dress up together and it's so stinkin cute! Enjoy!

Do you dress your pup up in clothes?


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