Check Out These Incredible Maine Summer Camps Perfect For Your Kids
We "planners" are always planning for the future. We have to make sure that our calendars are filling up with the activities our families will be participating in, in the coming months.
Even though summer is not yet here and seems like it will take forever for the sun to shine upon our winter heads, families are grabbing up spots to Maine summer camps.
I remember when I went to summer camp once, just once. We had nets around our beds to keep out the bugs and I used to dance in my sleep, I often woke up on the hard floor of our cabin, trapped in the net. As if I was a life-sized bug. Other than that, I loved learning how to make a bird house.
Maine Summer Camps are very popular. Many out-of-staters run to Maine to experience the beautiful scenery and fun adventures that our camps bring.
Remember when Maine had the show "Bug Juice" on Disney Channel? It was one of my favorites and the camp was called, Camp Waziyatah, and According to The Infinite Kitchen, the first season took place in Waterford, Maine.
If you're on the search for a great summer camp for your kiddos, here is a very helpful website called, Maine Camp Experience, to help find your spot!
They have set up a map of Maine with pointers on each camp in each location!
I have created a gallery of the top 5 boys camp, top 5 girls camps, and 5 coed camps to assist you in your search for the best camp for your own child!
Top Summer Camps in Maine, Spots Filling Fast
Top Summer Camps in Maine, Spots Filling Fast
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