Missy Sue Bleezarde is the owner of the Sensory Spa in Goffstown, and a woman of many talents. She chose a gloomy, snowy day in New Hampshire to share a colorful image on the u Local New Hampshire Facebook page.

This beautiful large gloved chair lives at The Sensory Spa and get this: she crotched it herself. It took FOUR MONTHS!

Check it out:

Missy Sue Bleezarde via U Local New Hampshire Facebook
Missy Sue Bleezarde via U Local New Hampshire Facebook

Whether you crochet or not, you have to admit that this is extremely impressive. Missy didn't use a pattern, but crocheted this entire thing FREEHAND using 18 skeins.

Basically the entire internet had to pick their jaw up off the floor after seeing this incredible work of art/labor of love. Missy got a lot of props in the comments section as the compliments came pouring in. Here are some of my favorites:

Jamie Lynn: 
"As someone who crochets, this is absolutely amazing and I greatly appreciate and know the hard work that went into this!! Fantastic job! "


Julie Williams:
"Epic endeavor so very well done!!! I can only imagine the skills that are required and patience to work this wonderful chair into existence "

Cassi Lyn felt a personal connection to this chair. She said:

That's beautiful! My mother made me this blanket 20 years ago. It's the same yarn ❤

Cassi Lynn via Facebook
Cassi Lynn via Facebook

There is another crocheting gig available for Missy if she wants it! She just needs to name her price.

 Cheryl Archambault said:
It would be cool as a baseball glove in a kids room or a game room. Great job!

Thank you so much for sharing this with us, Missy! And congrats on your amazing work.

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