Attention Would Be Parents: Meet 17 Maine Kids Up For Adoption
For many people, there is no greater job in life than that of being a parent. It truly is a life-changing experience.
Whether they are your biological children or not, you get to help shape a life. And, you get to experience the joy of watching them grow and learn.
If, for whatever reason, you have ever considered adopting a child, we've put together a list of Maine children who need a forever home. Most children are adopted as infants, which is why we are hoping you'll take a look at, and consider adopting, these older children.
Here are some adoption statistics from The Adoption Network.
Even though only about 2% of adults have actually adopted a child, about 1/3 of us have considered adoption. One out of every 25 families is the United States has an adopted member.
How many people in the United States are adopted? About 7 million Americans are adopted. Currently, about 1.5 million children are adopted. So, about one out of every 50 kids.
Around 140,000 American kids are adopted each year.
Right now, the majority (up to 70%) of adoptions are "open". That means that the birth parents have the name and information of the adoptive parents. Kind of puts an end to those TV show tropes about an adopted person seeking out their birth parents, doesn't it?
About 60% of us have had a personal experience with adoption. So. they were adopted, one of their relatives was adopted, or a close friend was adopted.
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