Ask AJ: My Husband Spends Too Much Time With His Guy Friends
Hear AJ's take on this listener's dilemma.
"My husband spends too much time with his male friends and never invites me to their get-togethers. I want to know what they're doing."
Well, I'd want to know what they're doing too! Seriously, I think you have every right to be curious about what he's up to with his buddies.
Of course he's entitled to some time with just his guy friends...but I get the impression from your note that you're NEVER invited, which to me is a little weird. There should definitely be a balance there. Do his buddies have girlfriends or wives? If you haven't already, maybe you should try all hanging out together.
My opinion - if he NEVER invites you...that's a little fishy.
If you're looking for some relationship advice, Ask AJ! send him an email at AJ@949whom.com.
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