After Weeks of Gushing About NH, Patriots Star Chase Winovich Just Rented a Place Here
Honestly, I feel like the entire Seacoast of New Hampshire has been GUSHING about this ever since these tweets started.
For WEEKS now, New England Patriots' Defensive End, Chase Winovich, has been GUSHING about the Granite State -- more specifically, Portsmouth, on his Twitter page.
I could post all the tweets below, but that would literally make this entire article one big poster board of Tweets, so the Cliff's Notes version for you -- starting in mid-January, he started talking about New Hampshire being "so cool," he called Portsmouth "randomly the coolest city in the world," said that he was "moving (his) off-season operations to Portsmouth, it's so sick here," and just WAY more gushing about it. Actually, as recently as February 1, he said that if he had infinite money, he "would also buy a mansion in New Hampshire."
But don't feel left out, Maine, because he's all about the 207, too. Last week, he asked "how you guys feel about Maine," and after a bunch of responses, went on to say "ok, so I will live in Maine for 60 days but I will get 99 Strength in New Hampshire."
Basically, he realizes that northern New England reeks of SO much stellarocity, that he's straight up fallen in love with it.
And I totally get it, because the same thing happened to me back in 2012 when I moved to Dover. Heck, my first night living there, I accidentally started going the wrong way down a one way downtown, right in front of an officer, who pulled me over and I told him I was completely new to the area and was just trying to get to a restaurant to meet my place. Not only did I not even get a warning, HE TOLD ME THE BEST WAY TO GET THERE. (Turns out, he ended up being my next door neighbor, which was just wild to me.)
But seriously, there's just something SO special about this area -- Dover, Portsmouth, Portland, SoPo -- I truly believe we live in the best place on earth. Snow and all. Wino gets it. And he started getting serious about it 2 days ago.
Like, SUPER serious.
So serious that it almost became obsessive? But in a REALLY cool, fun, awesome way. Like he's so in love with Portsmouth already that he's already done research on it.
Well, it turns out that changing his Twitter bio location to Portsmouth, New Hampshire and speaking it into existence worked, because late last night, he dropped this beauty.
How AWESOME is this?! Think about it for a second. We're a STUPID amount of passionate for the Pats, right? But they've all seemed to live either in or around Boston, and maybe would pop up here every now and then, but now, a member of the Pats has the SAME passion about where we live, that we have for them.
Can you imagine when the weather warms up and places start becoming more open, sitting at the bar at Poco's on the deck for some tacos and margaritas, next to Wino? Or playing some pool inside Legends and BOOM, Wino walks in and challenges you to a game of 8-ball? Or being inside TJ's and sashaying up to Wino and being all, "Hey Wino! Or do you prefer Chase? Or actually, may I please call you either Wino or Chase, Mr. Winovich? Would you, sir, if it's not too much trouble or inconvenience. Mr. Chase sir, want to play basketball with me at that there basketball game over there?" (And you KNOW he'd respond to you like a buddy and call you out on being so awkwardly formal, too.)
I know you only rented for 2 months, Wino, but I feel like once you live here, it'll take you just 2 weeks to fully fall in love with this place, and change that 2 months to a lifetime. Welcome HOME, Chase. We're psyched to have you.
Now let's go to a Seadogs and Fishercats games together during your off-season so we can crush some dogs and Seadog Biscuits and taunt some out-of-staters. (Okay, maybe not the last one. Unless...)