Do you have a show that makes you feel good? For me it's "The Golden Girls." When i'm sick or sad, I pop in a dvd or turn on Hallmark and I instantly feel better. Here are some things "The Golden Girls" have taught me. 

LESSON 1- Stand out, be comfortable in your own skin and rock that flashy work-out gear!

What The Golden Girls Taught Me

ACCEPTANCE OF EVERYONE- Giving everyone a chance because you never know who you can meet.

What The Golden Girls Taught Me

COMPETITION AMONGST FRIENDS- How to embrace the strengths of your friends even if they aren't yours and how to make Alex Trebek show a personality.

What The Golden Girls Taught Me

HOW TO DEAL WITH PEOPLE YOU DISLIKE- Dorothy often showed how she could take the high road with her ex cheater husband, Stan.


FAVORITE "FEEL GOOD" EPISODE- What are your favorite "feel good" shows? Comment below and enjoy my favorite Golden Girl's episode of all time.

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