I've maybe been skiing and boarding a handful of times in my life, and I actually didn't try it for the first time until I was in my early 20s. I worked for a Street Team for a radio station in Boston, and we had a promotion to work at Wachusett. The girl I was working with loved to board, and after some convincing, got me on a ski left to board as well.

Problem. I'd never gone, I had no clue you're supposed to shred from side to side down the mountain, and I didn't know how to stop (successfully) -- all things I wish I would've thought of before we got off the lift at the top of one of the hills. Instead of shredding, I went straight down the middle of the mountain like a little speeding bullet.

To my credit, I stayed up the whole time. Not to my credit, at that point I had gained so much speed that if I didn't slow down or stop, I would've sailed right into the massive groups of people at the bottom of the hill, all waiting to hop on lifts to get to the top of the hill that I was Clark Griswold'ing down. I did my best to stop, which involved me turning my board 90 degrees so that it was horizontal, went flying in the air and smashed the back of my head against the packed snow of the hill.

Somehow I didn't knock myself out or legitimately crack my skull, but instead I kept calling my glove a muffin (while I was on the lift for another run, because why stop now?) -- apparently, I was trying to say mitten? But I digress.

I tried skiing after that, thinking it may be easier, and while I learned how to make the pizza and didn't concuss myself again, I realized that THIS (meaning myself) just isn't meant to ski or board. BUT, I did have fun regardless, and it was all done during the day.

I say all this because the other day, I came across some pictures that Alex DeLuca posted on Facebook in the u Local New Hampshire group. He was doing night runs at Gunstock, and posted a few handfuls of shots of the mountain, conditions, and just the overall atmosphere. (Continued after photo gallery)

These 15 Photos of Gunstock at Night Will Make You Want to Night Ski

One thing stood out to me -- how PEACEFUL, SERENE, and CALM night runs seem. The lighting, the open space -- it makes me want to actually strap on some skis and give it another go, but at night this time.

Alex is actually a lift operator at Gunstock, and while he said that he loves both night and day skiing the same, if you're looking to hit it at the perfect time, 8a-Noon is the perfect time to go since it's "nice and fresh and groomed."

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