I have a very strict honesty policy, but I also know that sometimes you have to choose your battles.

A strategic tactful fib may be required to keep the peace, yet in my experience, the truth will always come out. Unless it's about the wrinkles forming around my eyes... feel free to lie to me all day long about that.

Anyhoo,  a new study looked at the most common lies men and women tell, and the top lie for BOTH is, "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine".

Here are the top ten lies women tell:

1.  "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."

2.  "This isn't new, I've had it forever."

3.  "It wasn't that expensive."

4.  "It was on sale."  

5.  "I'm on my way."

Credit Thinkstock
Credit Thinkstock

Hmm, seems to be quite a few shopping related fibs here. To read the other 5 on Daily Mail click below




Now here are the top ten lies MEN tell:

1.  "Nothing's wrong, I'm fine."

2.  "This will be my last drink."

3.  "No, your butt doesn't look big in that."

4.  "I didn't have cell phone service."

Credit: Thinkstock
Credit: Thinkstock

I think it's safe to say there's a bit of a trend when it comes to Men not wanting to talk on the phone. To read the other 5 on Daily Mail click below




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