"April showers bring May flowers." This is May 1, otherwise known as "May Day." Did you ever make a May Basket as a kid? This day brings back great memories with my mom and maybe a new tradition for your family too. 

As a child, you live in the moment. It's like a perpetual vacation, days run into each other and you keep track of the seasons by the next holiday. That's why it was so exciting coming home from school to see the table filled with streamers, crayons, construction paper of all colors, live violets and various candies. I remember hardly being able to get my backpack straps off my shoulders, dropping it to the floor while running to the table to start. First a plastic cup then a few pipe cleaners for handles and then the decorating. I loved the purple and pink streamers mixed together and creating cut out flowers from construction paper to write our neighbor's name on neatly. Inside I put little Hershey Kisses and other treats and on top a cute little Violet plant. May Day baskets are a centuries old Ancient Roman and Druid practice meant to welcome in Spring and Summer.

With my Spring coat on and a big smile, mom would walk me to the neighbors where I would place my May Basket on the front step and "ring and run." Hiding behind the bushes trying not to laugh I would look up at the door to see our 79 year old next door neighbor smile with glee as she peered around the corner pretending not to see me. Finally after a few seconds I felt her hand on my shoulder as she kissed me on the cheek.

So the game goes that if you are found or caught, the neighbor must give you a big kiss on the cheek. I never much cared for the cheek kiss part since sweet Mrs. Paine has very sloppy, wet kisses but none the less, they were fun memories I will never forget.

Mrs. Paine has long since past but the memory of those May Days continues to live on in my heart. MAYbe you can start this tradition with your kids and it will become a tradition they can pass on.


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