You Can Now Text The HOM Morning Show With The HOM Mobile App!
Today on the HOM Morning Show, we were excited to announce a new featuring within the HOM Mobile App. You can now quickly and easily send us texts within the app! You can shoot us a brief message, or even a picture...and we'll see it right away. We've had this new feature in the works for a while now, and I've been very excited for it to roll out. Now that it's finally here, I'm starting to think of all of the great things we can do with it. We already have a lot of people call into the show to weigh in on the topics we talk about every day. But for some people, texting is just more convenient. And sometimes, there are so many people trying to call, and it's hard to get through. But now, there's yet another way for you to reach out to us and be part of the show. In the coming weeks, we'll probably use it for contests, too! And I can't wait to have people send us pictures , that'll be quite interesting for sure. If you don't have the HOM Mobile App on your phone yet, you really should get on that! It's a free download from the App Store or Google Play, just search for 94.9 HOM!