Wicked Cool! A Maine Police Department is Going to Give Free Gas Cards to Drivers
Typically, Maine drivers are trying to avoid interactions with police on their daily commutes. Not that Mainers have an aversion to officers, but coming across them in our daily travels typically means we were doing something we weren't supposed to.
Now, what if police were randomly pulling people over to hook them up with gas cards? That would be pretty darn cool, right? Well, that's (sort of) what one Maine police department is doing.
According to WGME 13, the Holden Maine Police Department had some left over cash from their '25 Days of Kindness' campaign that they did back during the holidays, and they really want to put it to good use.
The department made the decision to use the left over funds to purchase gas cards. The event is being called 'Free Fuel Friday' and the department plans to raffle off the gas cards to random people who enter the contest, WGME reports.
It appears as though the department will be doing a nomination process for the giveaway.
People Who Own These Pets In Maine Could Face Jail Time
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