Watch Maine Native Pick Up a Cute Girl Through the Window of a Boston Bar
9 million people have seen the TikTok video.
Kohl Valle is originally from Falmouth, Maine. He's a 25-year-old in the Army who found himself late one night at a Boston bar with his pals. The bar was packed and loud and it was late in the night. There was a line to get in when his buddies noticed a super cute girl in line with her friends! So through the big pane glass window, Kohl struck up a conversation. As you can imagine, it wasn't going anywhere through the window. So, he got her number to actually talk. That's when a friend of Madison (the adorable woman) took a video that has gone viral.
9 million people have seen the video of Kohl connecting with Madison. As you can imagine, getting the phone number is step one. So many people asked,
What happened to you and the cute guy at the bar?!
This is what happened...
We caught up with Kohl as he was driving a Uhaul out to Colorado. Wait, he just met 'the one' and he was moving across the country? Seems it wasn't his choice, but the Army's choice. We asked if Madison was in the Uhaul with him.
They talked about it since she is a first-grade teacher and has summers off - but alas, he was heading to the west alone.
But before he left, they had a handful of adventurous dates including the ride on the motorcycle that led to the meeting of Kohl's parents here in Maine. Although Madison tried to avoid that meeting ('parent meeting' is a game changer) it happened.
What will happen to Kohl and Madison? Who knows? But they are young, and adorable, and as they say...stay tuned.
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