Was NH Veteran’s Dog ‘Stolen’ Or Is This A Custody Dispute?
After the news of Concord, New Hampshire veteran Ashley McCall's alleged assault and the kidnapping of her dog Jax was reported by the media earlier this month, the story went viral on social media and was shared hundreds of times. It is still being shared by uninformed people, as of this writing. Now, new information is coming to light that this may not have been a "dognapping" after all.
The New Hampshire Union Leader reports the incident may be a "custody dispute among family members over who actually owns the dog."
The good news is that Jax is okay. "He is in a safe location and is healthy," according to police. The department is still investigating to determine actual ownership of Jax.
What remains unclear to me is who started the "BringJaxHome" GoFundMe page, which has now been discontinued. McCall reportedly posted on the page that she asked them to refund any contributions that were made. But what was the purpose of the funds if this was indeed a custody battle?
According to the Union Leader, McCall and her husband "removed all public references to the incident from their social media pages."
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