Someone put a preschool in a nursing home and the result is beautiful.

They put a preschool in a nursing homeGo like ➡️ Joseph Ayoub for the best posts on Facebook

Posted by Alex Lee on Tuesday, October 20, 2015


When I was 9 years old my grandmother who suffered from Alzehimers went to live in a nursing home. To be honest, I had a difficult time visiting her those first few years, and it's not for the reasons you would expect. It wasn't the strange smell or the ugly wall paper, it was the sadness I saw in the residents eyes.

Over the course of the next few years I developed relationships with some of the residents there. Many of the elderly people were some of the best and brightest of their time, and it was heartbreaking for me to see how lonely they were at the end of their lives.

Watching this video I couldn't help but smile, but also cry a little. How wonderful to see the sweet way they responded to the toddlers in the video, but equally how wonderful to see how open the children were to them. They didn't look at them with pity nor were they uncomfortable around them. They saw them as people and expressed love openly.

In my opinion this is the best idea i've ever heard of, and as a parent, I would be totally ok with sending my child to a pre-school that was also set up in a nursing home. What do you think?

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