I love this tradition!

Matt Scruton of Ten Rod Farm in Rochester sent out a press release yesterday announcing that once again this year the farm will be giving away free Christmas Trees to families in need beginning this Sunday, December 13.

The giving doesn't stop there.  Ten Rod Farm will also be donating $1,000 to Gerry's Food Pantry in Rochester!

The partnership is between the Farm and Somersworth Goodwill to coordinate the tree voucher distribution. There are only a limited number of trees and they are on a first come, first served basis.

Here's what you have to do:

Go to the Somersworth Goodwill Store, get a voucher, then go to Ten Rod Farm in Rochester during the times listed on the voucher for a fresh cut Christmas Tree.

The Farm is closed for the season for tree sales, BUT, you can still get their delicious maple syrup by appointment.

I think I'm going to call Matt later on and ask him how, after I retire from radio, I can own a Christmas Tree Farm just like him.  It would seem to be an outdoor profession that requires a lot of attention, but the payoff of seeing all those trees grow would be amazing!  Then you get to give your work to people for their Christmas celebrations?

To me, that must be such an incredible feeling of satisfaction.

If you'd like to contact the farm, you can do so too!  Contact: Matthew Scruton (Ten Rod Farm, Rochester NH603-941-4956 or you can call Somersworth Goodwill Store, 603-343-5560

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