Say What? 'The Last of Us' Claims This is 10 Miles From BostonSay What? 'The Last of Us' Claims This is 10 Miles From BostonHBO hit show 'The Last of Us' made a claim that New Englanders know not to be true. ChantelChantel
Fans Are Using AI to Make Their Favorite Pop Stars Sing Whatever They WantFans Are Using AI to Make Their Favorite Pop Stars Sing Whatever They WantApparently, Lady Gaga even liked one of the videos.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Man Tries to Figure Out Soulmate’s Number After She Only Leaves Partial Digits on NapkinMan Tries to Figure Out Soulmate’s Number After She Only Leaves Partial Digits on NapkinThis feels like the plot to a rom-com. Donny MeachamDonny Meacham
‘X Factor’ Boy Band Emblem3 Announces Surprise Comeback Through Cryptic Mystery Twitter Account‘X Factor’ Boy Band Emblem3 Announces Surprise Comeback Through Cryptic Mystery Twitter AccountThey literally sent fans on a month-long online scavenger hunt. Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Climate Activist Greta Thunberg Claps Back at Internet Misogynist Andrew Tate in the Most Iconic WayClimate Activist Greta Thunberg Claps Back at Internet Misogynist Andrew Tate in the Most Iconic WayThe internet is loving it.Taylor Alexis HeadyTaylor Alexis Heady
Hilarious Responses to Stephen King's Tweet About a Bar of SoapHilarious Responses to Stephen King's Tweet About a Bar of SoapStephen King wants to know if it is possible to use a whole bar of soap and the responses are hysterical. ChantelChantel
Stephen King and Elon Musk: Twitter Battle Over Monthly FeeStephen King and Elon Musk: Twitter Battle Over Monthly FeeStephen King disagrees with how Elon Musk is trying to run Twitter. ChantelChantel
Video of a Lobster Bartending Should Inspire Maine RestaurantsVideo of a Lobster Bartending Should Inspire Maine RestaurantsI don’t know, I’ve never managed a restaurant but I do know a million-dollar idea when I see one.Meghan MorrisonMeghan Morrison
This Viral Video of Justin Timberlake Dancing in Khakis Is Peak CringeThis Viral Video of Justin Timberlake Dancing in Khakis Is Peak Cringe"Gentle reminder that justin timberlake won't see your tweets but your friends who use kohl's cash will."Mike NiedMike Nied
Elon Musk Buying Twitter for $44 Billion: See Reaction Tweets From UsersElon Musk Buying Twitter for $44 Billion: See Reaction Tweets From Users"In other words ... Twitter will continue to be bad for society." Mike NiedMike Nied
Adam Sandler Invited back to Manchester, New Hampshire, to Root on the ‘Chicken Tenders’Adam Sandler Invited back to Manchester, New Hampshire, to Root on the ‘Chicken Tenders’Come on, San man! Give the people what they want! KiraKira
Is Taking a Vaccine Selfie Necessary? Maine CDC Director Hilariously Weighs InIs Taking a Vaccine Selfie Necessary? Maine CDC Director Hilariously Weighs InWe've seen them clogging our news feeds for months, the vaccination selfie. Is it a requirement?Brittany RoseBrittany Rose
I Dare You Not to Smile While you Watch This Mass Chicken Go SleddingI Dare You Not to Smile While you Watch This Mass Chicken Go SleddingThis video might make Winter worth the hassle. KiraKira
The Responses To Someone Mixing Up Their Portlands On Twitter Was So Very Maine-likeThe Responses To Someone Mixing Up Their Portlands On Twitter Was So Very Maine-likeThe Portland Press Herald found themselves mixed up with Portland, Oregon by a Twitter user. The responses are the stuff of legends. JoeyJoey
Tom Brady Leaving the Patriots, Thanks New EnglandTom Brady Leaving the Patriots, Thanks New EnglandTom Brady announced on Twitter Tuesday morning that he is leaving the Patriots.Lori VoornasLori Voornas
Stephen King Told A Horror Story In One Single Tweet About TicksStephen King Told A Horror Story In One Single Tweet About TicksThe master of Horror, Stephen King, managed to freak everyone out in one single creepy tweet about ticks. Check it out.JoeyJoey