Good Idea/Bad Idea? Maine Could Ban Plastic Bags Statewide This YearGood Idea/Bad Idea? Maine Could Ban Plastic Bags Statewide This YearMaine lawmakers are reportedly considering a plan to ban plastic bags statewide, a move that could make Vacationland among the first states to do so.Ryan GavinRyan Gavin
Here’s a List of All Maine Towns That Have Banned Plastic BagsHere’s a List of All Maine Towns That Have Banned Plastic BagsThere's a growing list of cities and towns in Maine that have placed restrictions on plastic bags, or totally banned them outright.Ryan GavinRyan Gavin
These Two Maine Towns Just Voted to Ban All Plastic BagsThese Two Maine Towns Just Voted to Ban All Plastic BagsThese two Maine towns just voted for a total ban on all plastic bags. Do you agree with these decisions?Ryan GavinRyan Gavin
Maine's First Plastic Bag Ban?Maine's First Plastic Bag Ban?Falmouth is considering a fee for one time use shopping bags, which would be followed by an outright ban on them a year later.AJAJ